IMPORTANT NOTICE: Panasonic’s Voicemail systems

Due to changes made by Google, after May 30th, Gmail accounts will no longer function on Panasonic PBX’s or voicemail systems. This change applies to both new and existing Gmail accounts.
Google’s Gmail service will implement a new security measure to prevent third-party apps or devices to sign in using only a username and password. Due to this change, you will no longer be able to use Gmail for email notification with Panasonic’s KX-TVA50/200 Voicemail systems or the built in UM in the KX-NS700/700G/1000 and KX-NSX2000 PBXs.
Here is Google’s official statement.
To help keep your account secure, starting May 30, 2022, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign into your Google Account using only your username and password.
Please note this deadline does not apply to Google Workspace or Google Cloud Identity customers. The enforcement date for these customers will be announced on the Workspace blog at a later date.
If an app or site doesn’t meet our security standards, Google might block anyone who’s trying to sign in to your account from it. Less secure apps can make it easier for hackers to get in to your account, so blocking sign-ins from these apps helps keep your account safe.
For more information, please contact Columbia Pacific at 1-800-VIP-LINE or 1-858-578-0404.